

The Amber release of the it/dep repo provides deployment artifacts for the O-RAN SC Near Realtime RIC. The components in the deployment are spread onto two Kubernetes clusters, one for running the Near Realtime RIC, the other for running auxilary functions such as the dashboards. These two clusters are referred to as the RIC and AUX clusters respectively.

This document describe the deployment artifacts, how theye are organized, and how to contribute for modifications, additions, and other enhancements to these artifacts.

Deployment Organization

To organize the deployments of the compoents, the various O-RAN SC Near Realtime RIC and auxilary components are organized into three groups: infrastructure, platform, and auxilary, or ric-infra, ric-platform, and ric-aux respectively.

The ric-infra group is expected to be deployed in each Kubernetes cluster. It consists of components such as Kong ingress controller, Helm chart repo, Tiller for xApp deployment, as well as various credentials. This group is deployed in both the RIC and AUX clusters.

The ric-platform group is deployed in the RIC cluster. It consists of all Near Realtime RIC Platform components, including:

  • DBaaS
  • E2 Termination
  • E2 Manager
  • A1 Mediator
  • Routing Manager
  • Subscription Manager
  • xApp manager
  • VESPA Manager
  • Jaeger Adapter
  • Resource Status Manager

The ric-aux group is deployed in the AUX cluster. It consists of components that facilitate the operation of Near Realtime RIC and receiving inputs from the Near Realtime RIC. In Amber release, this group includes the following:

  • ONAP VES Collector
  • ONAP DMaaP Message Router
  • RIC Dashboard

In addition, this group also include ONAP AAF and ONAP Portal.

Directory Structure

The directories of the it/dep repo is organized as the following.

|-- LICENSES.txt
|-- bin
|-- ci
|-- docs
|-- etc
|-- ric-aux
|   |-- 80-Auxiliary-Functions
|   |-- 85-Ext-Services
|   `--
|-- ric-common
|   |-- Common-Template
|   |-- Docker-Credential
|   |-- Helm-Credential
|   `-- Initcontainer
|-- ric-infra
|   |-- 00-Kubernetes
|   |-- 15-Chartmuseum
|   |-- 20-Monitoring
|   |-- 30-Kong
|   |-- 40-Credential
|   |-- 45-Tiller
|   `--
|-- ric-platform
|   |-- 50-RIC-Platform
|   |-- 55-Ext-Services
|   `--
`-- tox.ini

The deployment artifacts of these deployment groups are placed under the ric-infra, ric-platform, and ric-aux directories. These directories are structured similarly where underneath each group is a list of numbered sub-groups. The numbering is based on the order that how different sub-groups would be deployed within the same Kubernetes cluster. For example, the 50-RIC-Platform subgroup should be deployed before the 55-Ext-Services subgroup. And all subgroups in the ric-infra group should be deployed before the sub-groups in the ric-platform group, as indicated by they sub-group numbers being lower than those of the ric-platform group.

Within each numbered subgroup, there is a helm directory and a bin directory. The bin directory generally contains the install and uninstall script for deploying all the Helm charts of the subgroup. The helm directory contains the helm charts for all the components within the subgroup.

At the top level, these is also a bin directory, where group level deployment and undeployment scripts are located. For example, the deploy-ric-platform script iterates all the subgroups under the ric-platform group, and calls the install script of each subgroup to deploy the components in each subgroup.


Recipe is an important concept for Near Realtime RIC deployment. Each deployment group has its own recipe. Recipe provides a customized specification for the components of a deployment group for a specific dpeloyment site. The RECIPE_EXAMPLE directory contains the example recipes for the three deployment groups.


Contribution to then it/dep repository is open to all community members by following the standard Git/Gerrit contribution and Gerrit review flows.

Code change submitted to the it/dep repo of the is first reviewed by both an automated verification Jenkins job and human reviewers.