Data File Collector


The task of the Data File Collector is to collect OAM data files from RAN traffic-handling nodes. The main use case is (see also the picture below)):

    1. The DFC receives a “File Ready” VES event from a Kafka topic. This contains a list of all available files.

    1. The DFC fetches files that are not already fetched from the relevant RAN traffic-handling nodes. This is done using one of the supported file transfer protocols.

    1. Each file is stored in an S3 Object Store bucket or in the file system (in a persistent volume).

    1. For each stored file, a “File Publish” message is sent to a Kafka topic for further processing.

    1. The “File Publish” message can be subscribed by other components, which can then read the fetched file and process it further.


Supported file transfer protocols are:

  • SFTP


  • HTTP


The service is implemented in Java Spring Boot.

This product is a part of NONRTRIC.

Input File Ready VES Event

Here follows an example of the expected input object:


Output File Publish Message

Below follows an example of an output File Publish Message.



The DFC is configured via its application.yaml

An example application.yaml configuration file: “link