Developer Guide


Architecture design of FM / PM Adopter

Adapter has been design to provided common libraries that can be reused to generate application as per vendor needs.


  • o-ran-ves-adapter-api module provides generated POJOS from VES 7.1 json Schema, together with VesEventNotifier interface.

  • o-ran-ves-adapter-event-notifier module provides VesEventNotifier service implementation, responsible of forward VES events to the VES Collector via REST.

  • o-ran-ves-adapter-pm-manager module is responsible of read and translate CSV PM files from devices end point, translate it to VES event formant, and forward it to VesEventNotifier.

  • o-ran-ves-adapter-snmp-manager module is responsible of listend for SNMP traps on UDP port (Default 162), translate it to VES event formant, and forward it to VesEventNotifier.

  • o-ran-ves-adapter-app module contains the application, is responsible to assemble the whole set of libraries.

  • ves-nf-oam-adopter-pm-sb-rest-client module contains mock vendor specific PM REST Client implementation (ves-nf-oam-adopter-mock app).
