RIC Dashboard Developer Guide

This document provides a quickstart for developers of the O-RAN SC RIC Dashboard web application.


  1. Java development kit (JDK), version 11 or later
  2. Maven dependency-management tool, version 3.4 or later

Other required tools including the Node Package Manager (npm) are fetched dynamically.

Clone and Update Submodules

After cloning the repository, initialize and update all git submodules like this:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Check the submodule status at any time like this:

git submodule status

Angular Front-End Application

The Angular 8 application files are in subdirectory webapp-frontend. Build the front-end application via mvn package. For development and debugging, build the application, then launch an ng development server using this command:

./ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json

The app will automatically reload in the browser if you change any of the source files. The ng server listens for requests at this URL:

Spring-Boot Back-End Application

A development (not production) server uses local configuration and serves mock data that simulates the behavior of remote endpoints. The back-end server listens for requests at this URL:

The directory src/test/resources contains usable versions of the required property files. These steps are required to launch:

  1. Install all project jar files locally
  2. Set an environment variable via JVM argument: -Dorg.oransc.ric.portal.dashboard=mock
  3. Run the JUnit test case DashboardServerTest which is not exactly a “test” because it never finishes.

These steps can be done with these commands:

mvn -Ddocker.skip=true -DskipTests=true install
mvn -Dorg.oransc.ric.portal.dashboard=mock -Dtest=DashboardTestServer test

Development user authentication

The development server requires basic HTTP user authentication for all requests. Like the production server, it requires HTTP headers with authentication for Portal API requests. The username and password are stored in constants in this Java class in the src/test/java folder:


Like the production server, the development server also performs role-based authentication on requests. The user name-role name associations are also defined in the class shown above.

Production user authentication

The server uses the ONAP Portal’s “EPSDK-FW” library to support a single-sign-on (SSO) feature, which requires users to authenticate at the ONAP Portal UI. The RIC Dashboard can be on-boarded as an application on the ONAP Portal using its application on-boarding UI.

The server authenticates requests using cookies that are set by the ONAP Portal:


The EPService value is not checked. The UserId value is decrypted using a secret key shared with the ONAP Portal to yield a user ID. That ID must match a user’s loginId defined in the user manager.

The regular server checks requests for the following granted authorities (role names), as defined in the java class DashboardConstants. A standard user can invoke all “GET” methods but not make changes. A system administrator can invoke all methods (“GET”, “POST”, “PUT”, “DELETE”) to make arbitrary changes:


Use the following structure in a JSON file to publish a user for the user manager:
