Installation Guide


This document describes how to install O-RAN INF image, example configuration for better real time performance, and example deployment of Kubernetes cluster and plugins.

The audience of this document is assumed to have basic knowledge in Yocto/Open-Embedded Linux and container technology.

Version history







Jackie Huang

Initail version


2.0.0 (Bronze)

Xiaohua Zhang

Bronze version


3.0.0 (Cherry)

Xiaohua Zhang

Cherry version


Before starting the installation and deployment of O-RAN INF, you need to download the ISO image or build from source as described in developer-guide.

Hardware Requirements

Following minimum hardware requirements must be met for installation of O-RAN INF image:

HW Aspect


# of servers







500G * 2



If want to enable the HA mode which is available in Cherry release, 2 servers are needed.

ORAN INF Cherry test on Dell R740

1. Installation for the first server from the O-RAN INF ISO image

  • Please see the file for how to build the image.

  • The Image is a live ISO image with CLI installer: inf-image-aio-installer-intel-corei7-64.iso

1.1 Burn the image to the USB device

  • Assume the the usb device is /dev/sdX here

$ sudo dd if=/path/to/inf-image-aio-installer-intel-corei7-64.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1M

1.2 Install the first Dell-R740 server (controller-0)

  • Reboot the target from the USB device.

  • Select “All-in-one Graphics console” or “All-in-one Serial console install” and press ENTER

  • Start the auto installation

  • It will reboot aotumatically after installation

2. Configuration and initialize the bootstrap

2.1 First Login with sysadmin/sysadmin and change password

2.2 Set OAM network before bootstrap

export OAM_DEV=eno3
sudo ip address add $CONTROLLER0_OAM_CIDR dev $OAM_DEV
sudo ip link set up dev $OAM_DEV
sudo ip route add default via $DEFAULT_OAM_GATEWAY dev $OAM_DEV

2.3 Login the server through SSH with sysadmin

2.4 Prepare the localhost.yml for bootstrap

cat << EOF > localhost.yml
system_mode: duplex

2.5 Run the ansible bootstrap

ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/bootstrap.yml -vvv

After the bootstrap successfully finish, it will show as following:

PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=257  changed=151  unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=214  rescued=0    ignored=0

2.6 Congiure controller-0

Acquire admin credentials:

controller-0:~$ source /etc/platform/openrc
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$

Configure the OAM and MGMT interfaces of controller-0 and specify the attached networks:

system host-if-modify controller-0 lo -c none
IFNET_UUIDS=$(system interface-network-list controller-0 | awk '{if ($6=="lo") print $4;}')
for UUID in $IFNET_UUIDS; do
    system interface-network-remove ${UUID}

system host-if-modify controller-0 $OAM_IF -n oam0
system host-if-modify controller-0 $MGMT_IF -n pxeboot0

system host-if-modify controller-0 oam0 -c platform
system interface-network-assign controller-0 oam0 oam

system host-if-modify controller-0 pxeboot0 -c platform
system interface-network-assign controller-0  pxeboot0 pxeboot

system host-if-add -V 18 controller-0 mgmt0 vlan pxeboot0
system interface-network-assign controller-0 mgmt0 mgmt

system host-if-add -V 19 controller-0 cluster0 vlan pxeboot0
system interface-network-assign controller-0 cluster0 cluster-host

Example output:

[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ OAM_IF=eno3
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ MGMT_IF=eno1
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-if-modify controller-0 lo -c none
| Property        | Value                                |
| ifname          | lo                                   |
| iftype          | virtual                              |
| ports           | []                                   |
| imac            | 00:00:00:00:00:00                    |
| imtu            | 1500                                 |
| ifclass         | None                                 |
| aemode          | None                                 |
| schedpolicy     | None                                 |
| txhashpolicy    | None                                 |
| uuid            | 08c95952-892b-40b5-b17a-7d2ad46e725c |
| ihost_uuid      | 16afe3a2-ba50-46b8-9fd7-09010059e8b9 |
| vlan_id         | None                                 |
| uses            | []                                   |
| used_by         | []                                   |
| created_at      | 2020-11-17T00:30:45.265032+00:00     |
| updated_at      | 2020-11-17T01:03:39.031612+00:00     |
| sriov_numvfs    | 0                                    |
| sriov_vf_driver | None                                 |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ IFNET_UUIDS=$(system interface-network-list controller-0 | awk '{if ($6=="lo") print $4;}')
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ for UUID in $IFNET_UUIDS; do
>     system interface-network-remove ${UUID}
> done
Deleted Interface Network: 0bf11f1b-4fc6-4e97-b896-3d6393a3744e
Deleted Interface Network: a62d95f6-ad4e-4779-bfc0-6a885067f8d8

[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-if-modify controller-0 $OAM_IF -n oam0
| Property        | Value                                |
| ifname          | oam0                                 |
| iftype          | ethernet                             |
| ports           | [u'eno3']                            |
| imac            | 24:6e:96:5d:0c:b2                    |
| imtu            | 1500                                 |
| ifclass         | None                                 |
| aemode          | None                                 |
| schedpolicy     | None                                 |
| txhashpolicy    | None                                 |
| uuid            | d8a048fa-67ef-43ac-8166-671be93caa30 |
| ihost_uuid      | 16afe3a2-ba50-46b8-9fd7-09010059e8b9 |
| vlan_id         | None                                 |
| uses            | []                                   |
| used_by         | []                                   |
| created_at      | 2020-11-17T00:28:32.365863+00:00     |
| updated_at      | 2020-11-17T01:03:45.090904+00:00     |
| sriov_numvfs    | 0                                    |
| sriov_vf_driver | None                                 |
| accelerated     | [True]                               |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-if-modify controller-0 $MGMT_IF -n pxeboot0
| Property        | Value                                |
| ifname          | pxeboot0                             |
| iftype          | ethernet                             |
| ports           | [u'eno1']                            |
| imac            | 24:6e:96:5d:0c:92                    |
| imtu            | 1500                                 |
| ifclass         | None                                 |
| aemode          | None                                 |
| schedpolicy     | None                                 |
| txhashpolicy    | None                                 |
| uuid            | 23b5e923-1e53-4e70-a975-542d8380b7f2 |
| ihost_uuid      | 16afe3a2-ba50-46b8-9fd7-09010059e8b9 |
| vlan_id         | None                                 |
| uses            | []                                   |
| used_by         | []                                   |
| created_at      | 2020-11-17T00:28:32.612230+00:00     |
| updated_at      | 2020-11-17T01:03:47.341003+00:00     |
| sriov_numvfs    | 0                                    |
| sriov_vf_driver | None                                 |
| accelerated     | [True]                               |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-if-modify controller-0 oam0 -c platform
| Property        | Value                                |
| ifname          | oam0                                 |
| iftype          | ethernet                             |
| ports           | [u'eno3']                            |
| imac            | 24:6e:96:5d:0c:b2                    |
| imtu            | 1500                                 |
| ifclass         | platform                             |
| aemode          | None                                 |
| schedpolicy     | None                                 |
| txhashpolicy    | None                                 |
| uuid            | d8a048fa-67ef-43ac-8166-671be93caa30 |
| ihost_uuid      | 16afe3a2-ba50-46b8-9fd7-09010059e8b9 |
| vlan_id         | None                                 |
| uses            | []                                   |
| used_by         | []                                   |
| created_at      | 2020-11-17T00:28:32.365863+00:00     |
| updated_at      | 2020-11-17T01:03:49.368879+00:00     |
| sriov_numvfs    | 0                                    |
| sriov_vf_driver | None                                 |
| accelerated     | [True]                               |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system interface-network-assign controller-0 oam0 oam
| Property     | Value                                |
| hostname     | controller-0                         |
| uuid         | 3c8bd181-d3f3-4e14-8e89-75a3432db1e4 |
| ifname       | oam0                                 |
| network_name | oam                                  |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-if-modify controller-0 pxeboot0 -c platform
| Property        | Value                                |
| ifname          | pxeboot0                             |
| iftype          | ethernet                             |
| ports           | [u'eno1']                            |
| imac            | 24:6e:96:5d:0c:92                    |
| imtu            | 1500                                 |
| ifclass         | platform                             |
| aemode          | None                                 |
| schedpolicy     | None                                 |
| txhashpolicy    | None                                 |
| uuid            | 23b5e923-1e53-4e70-a975-542d8380b7f2 |
| ihost_uuid      | 16afe3a2-ba50-46b8-9fd7-09010059e8b9 |
| vlan_id         | None                                 |
| uses            | []                                   |
| used_by         | []                                   |
| created_at      | 2020-11-17T00:28:32.612230+00:00     |
| updated_at      | 2020-11-17T01:03:53.143795+00:00     |
| sriov_numvfs    | 0                                    |
| sriov_vf_driver | None                                 |
| accelerated     | [True]                               |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system interface-network-assign controller-0  pxeboot0 pxeboot
| Property     | Value                                |
| hostname     | controller-0                         |
| uuid         | 6c55622d-2da4-4f4e-ab5e-f8e06e03af7c |
| ifname       | pxeboot0                             |
| network_name | pxeboot                              |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-if-add -V 18 controller-0 mgmt0 vlan pxeboot0
| Property        | Value                                |
| ifname          | mgmt0                                |
| iftype          | vlan                                 |
| ports           | []                                   |
| imac            | 24:6e:96:5d:0c:92                    |
| imtu            | 1500                                 |
| ifclass         | None                                 |
| aemode          | None                                 |
| schedpolicy     | None                                 |
| txhashpolicy    | None                                 |
| uuid            | 119bdb85-1e24-44ff-b527-fe8f167b0ad3 |
| ihost_uuid      | 16afe3a2-ba50-46b8-9fd7-09010059e8b9 |
| vlan_id         | 18                                   |
| uses            | [u'pxeboot0']                        |
| used_by         | []                                   |
| created_at      | 2020-11-17T01:03:57.303000+00:00     |
| updated_at      | None                                 |
| sriov_numvfs    | 0                                    |
| sriov_vf_driver | None                                 |
| accelerated     | [True]                               |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system interface-network-assign controller-0 mgmt0 mgmt
| Property     | Value                                |
| hostname     | controller-0                         |
| uuid         | 2e93ef03-e9ee-457a-8667-05b52b7109a5 |
| ifname       | mgmt0                                |
| network_name | mgmt                                 |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-if-add -V 19 controller-0 cluster0 vlan pxeboot0
| Property        | Value                                |
| ifname          | cluster0                             |
| iftype          | vlan                                 |
| ports           | []                                   |
| imac            | 24:6e:96:5d:0c:92                    |
| imtu            | 1500                                 |
| ifclass         | None                                 |
| aemode          | None                                 |
| schedpolicy     | None                                 |
| txhashpolicy    | None                                 |
| uuid            | 6a620c8e-4f7b-4f74-a9f4-2a91d3ae9756 |
| ihost_uuid      | 16afe3a2-ba50-46b8-9fd7-09010059e8b9 |
| vlan_id         | 19                                   |
| uses            | [u'pxeboot0']                        |
| used_by         | []                                   |
| created_at      | 2020-11-17T01:04:02.613518+00:00     |
| updated_at      | None                                 |
| sriov_numvfs    | 0                                    |
| sriov_vf_driver | None                                 |
| accelerated     | [True]                               |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system interface-network-assign controller-0 cluster0 cluster-host
| Property     | Value                                |
| hostname     | controller-0                         |
| uuid         | fb8b6be6-1618-4662-b063-b1e8d340aa48 |
| ifname       | cluster0                             |
| network_name | cluster-host                         |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-if-list controller-0
| uuid                                 | name     | class    | type     | vlan id | ports     | uses i/f      | used by i/f             | attributes |
| 119bdb85-1e24-44ff-b527-fe8f167b0ad3 | mgmt0    | platform | vlan     | 18      | []        | [u'pxeboot0'] | []                      | MTU=1500   |
| 23b5e923-1e53-4e70-a975-542d8380b7f2 | pxeboot0 | platform | ethernet | None    | [u'eno1'] | []            | [u'mgmt0', u'cluster0'] | MTU=1500   |
| 6a620c8e-4f7b-4f74-a9f4-2a91d3ae9756 | cluster0 | platform | vlan     | 19      | []        | [u'pxeboot0'] | []                      | MTU=1500   |
| d8a048fa-67ef-43ac-8166-671be93caa30 | oam0     | platform | ethernet | None    | [u'eno3'] | []            | []                      | MTU=1500   |

Configure NTP Servers for network time synchronization:

system ntp-modify,


[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system ntp-modify,
| Property     | Value                                |
| uuid         | 3206cf01-c64a-457e-ac66-b8224c9684c3 |
| ntpservers   |,        |
| isystem_uuid | cc79b616-d24e-4432-a953-85c9b242cb3a |
| created_at   | 2020-11-17T00:27:23.529571+00:00     |
| updated_at   | None                                 |

Add an OSD on controller-0 for Ceph:

system host-disk-list controller-0
system host-disk-list controller-0 | awk '/\/dev\/sdb/{print $2}' | xargs -i system host-stor-add controller-0 {}
system host-disk-list controller-0 | awk '/\/dev\/sdc/{print $2}' | xargs -i system host-stor-add controller-0 {}
system host-stor-list controller-0


[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-disk-list controller-0
| uuid                                 | device_no | device_ | device_ | size_ | available_ | rpm          | serial_id                        | device_path                                     |
|                                      | de        | num     | type    | gib   | gib        |              |                                  |                                                 |
| 8e2a719a-fa5a-4c25-89af-70a23fb7b238 | /dev/sda  | 2048    | HDD     | 893.  | 644.726    | Undetermined | 00c66a07604fa8de2500151b14604609 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:0:0 |
|                                      |           |         |         | 75    |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
|                                      |           |         |         |       |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
| 61b6f262-a51f-4310-aeac-373b1c1bbbc2 | /dev/sdb  | 2064    | HDD     | 1117. | 1117.247   | Undetermined | 00c6b9139b76a8de2500151b14604609 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:1:0 |
|                                      |           |         |         | 25    |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
|                                      |           |         |         |       |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
| 81a7f4f9-dd3a-49b5-80d9-e1953aa43c79 | /dev/sdc  | 2080    | HDD     | 1117. | 1117.247   | Undetermined | 0053be63c794a8de2500151b14604609 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:2:0 |
|                                      |           |         |         | 25    |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
|                                      |           |         |         |       |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
| 4879b381-8e9f-48f3-84e2-f9c6a94bbfe0 | /dev/sdd  | 2096    | HDD     | 1117. | 0.0        | Undetermined | 0065482503bca8de2500151b14604609 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:3:0 |
|                                      |           |         |         | 25    |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
|                                      |           |         |         |       |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-disk-list controller-0 | awk '/\/dev\/sdb/{print $2}' | xargs -i system host-stor-add controller-0 {}
| Property         | Value                                                 |
| osdid            | 0                                                     |
| function         | osd                                                   |
| state            | configuring-on-unlock                                 |
| journal_location | 0816c72f-a4f0-49ea-9a95-0f02c880717c                  |
| journal_size_gib | 1024                                                  |
| journal_path     | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:1:0-part2 |
| journal_node     | /dev/sdb2                                             |
| uuid             | 0816c72f-a4f0-49ea-9a95-0f02c880717c                  |
| ihost_uuid       | 16afe3a2-ba50-46b8-9fd7-09010059e8b9                  |
| idisk_uuid       | 61b6f262-a51f-4310-aeac-373b1c1bbbc2                  |
| tier_uuid        | 3af8c893-9dd4-40af-afc6-30bb79048448                  |
| tier_name        | storage                                               |
| created_at       | 2020-11-17T01:05:04.063823+00:00                      |
| updated_at       | None                                                  |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-disk-list controller-0 | awk '/\/dev\/sdc/{print $2}' | xargs -i system host-stor-add controller-0 {}
| Property         | Value                                                 |
| osdid            | 1                                                     |
| function         | osd                                                   |
| state            | configuring-on-unlock                                 |
| journal_location | 7a0b3727-0e3f-4582-9415-56e44bb8f1e5                  |
| journal_size_gib | 1024                                                  |
| journal_path     | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:2:0-part2 |
| journal_node     | /dev/sdc2                                             |
| uuid             | 7a0b3727-0e3f-4582-9415-56e44bb8f1e5                  |
| ihost_uuid       | 16afe3a2-ba50-46b8-9fd7-09010059e8b9                  |
| idisk_uuid       | 81a7f4f9-dd3a-49b5-80d9-e1953aa43c79                  |
| tier_uuid        | 3af8c893-9dd4-40af-afc6-30bb79048448                  |
| tier_name        | storage                                               |
| created_at       | 2020-11-17T01:05:06.939798+00:00                      |
| updated_at       | None                                                  |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-stor-list controller-0
| uuid                                 | function | osdid | state                 | idisk_uuid                           | journal_path                                          | journal_node | journal_size_gib | tier_name |
| 0816c72f-a4f0-49ea-9a95-0f02c880717c | osd      | 0     | configuring-on-unlock | 61b6f262-a51f-4310-aeac-373b1c1bbbc2 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:1:0-part2 | /dev/sdb2    | 1                | storage   |
| 7a0b3727-0e3f-4582-9415-56e44bb8f1e5 | osd      | 1     | configuring-on-unlock | 81a7f4f9-dd3a-49b5-80d9-e1953aa43c79 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:2:0-part2 | /dev/sdc2    | 1                | storage   |

2.7 Unlock controller-0

system host-unlock controller-0


[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-unlock controller-0
| Property              | Value                                           |
| action                | none                                            |
| administrative        | locked                                          |
| availability          | online                                          |
| bm_ip                 | None                                            |
| bm_type               | none                                            |
| bm_username           | None                                            |
| boot_device           | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:0:0 |
| capabilities          | {u'stor_function': u'monitor'}                  |
| clock_synchronization | ntp                                             |
| config_applied        | 6aa15fb4-8cb3-494e-b94e-95f85b560f22            |
| config_status         | None                                            |
| config_target         | c6ae9b2d-a3c4-4751-a79e-5487ba81ed82            |
| console               | ttyS0,115200                                    |
| created_at            | 2020-11-17T00:28:01.983673+00:00                |
| hostname              | controller-0                                    |
| id                    | 1                                               |
| install_output        | graphical                                       |
| install_state         | None                                            |
| install_state_info    | None                                            |
| inv_state             | inventoried                                     |
| invprovision          | provisioning                                    |
| location              | {}                                              |
| mgmt_ip               |                                    |
| mgmt_mac              | 24:6e:96:5d:0c:92                               |
| operational           | disabled                                        |
| personality           | controller                                      |
| reserved              | False                                           |
| rootfs_device         | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:0:0 |
| serialid              | None                                            |
| software_load         | 19.12                                           |
| subfunction_avail     | online                                          |
| subfunction_oper      | disabled                                        |
| subfunctions          | controller,worker,lowlatency                    |
| task                  | Unlocking                                       |
| tboot                 | false                                           |
| ttys_dcd              | None                                            |
| updated_at            | 2020-11-17T01:05:07.015414+00:00                |
| uptime                | 3496                                            |
| uuid                  | 16afe3a2-ba50-46b8-9fd7-09010059e8b9            |
| vim_progress_status   | None                                            |

Controller-0 will reboot to apply configuration changes and come into service. This can take 5-10 minutes, depending on the performance of the host machine.

Once the controller comes back up, check the status of controller-0

controller-0:~$ source /etc/platform/openrc
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-list
| id | hostname     | personality | administrative | operational | availability |
| 1  | controller-0 | controller  | unlocked       | enabled     | available    |

2. Installation for the second server (controller-1)

2.1 Power on the controller-1 server and force it to network boot

2.2 As controller-1 boots, a message appears on its console instructing you to configure the personality of the node

2.3 On the console of controller-0, list hosts to see newly discovered controller-1 host (hostname=None)

[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-list
| id | hostname     | personality | administrative | operational | availability |
| 1  | controller-0 | controller  | unlocked       | enabled     | degraded     |
| 2  | None         | None        | locked         | disabled    | offline      |

2.4 Using the host id, set the personality of this host to ‘controller’:

[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-update 2 personality=controller
| Property              | Value                                |
| action                | none                                 |
| administrative        | locked                               |
| availability          | offline                              |
| bm_ip                 | None                                 |
| bm_type               | None                                 |
| bm_username           | None                                 |
| boot_device           | /dev/sda                             |
| capabilities          | {}                                   |
| clock_synchronization | ntp                                  |
| config_applied        | None                                 |
| config_status         | None                                 |
| config_target         | None                                 |
| console               | ttyS0,115200                         |
| created_at            | 2020-11-17T10:17:44.387813+00:00     |
| hostname              | controller-1                         |
| id                    | 2                                    |
| install_output        | text                                 |
| install_state         | None                                 |
| install_state_info    | None                                 |
| inv_state             | None                                 |
| invprovision          | None                                 |
| location              | {}                                   |
| mgmt_ip               |                         |
| mgmt_mac              | 24:6e:96:5d:38:ee                    |
| operational           | disabled                             |
| personality           | controller                           |
| reserved              | False                                |
| rootfs_device         | /dev/sda                             |
| serialid              | None                                 |
| software_load         | 19.12                                |
| subfunction_avail     | not-installed                        |
| subfunction_oper      | disabled                             |
| subfunctions          | controller,worker,lowlatency         |
| task                  | None                                 |
| tboot                 | false                                |
| ttys_dcd              | None                                 |
| updated_at            | None                                 |
| uptime                | 0                                    |
| uuid                  | f069381d-9743-49cc-bf8b-eb4bd3972203 |
| vim_progress_status   | None                                 |

2.5 Wait for the software installation on controller-1 to complete, for controller-1 to reboot, and for controller-1 to show as locked/disabled/online in ‘system host-list’.

This can take 5-10 minutes, depending on the performance of the host machine.

[root@controller-0 hieradata(keystone_admin)]$ system host-list
| id | hostname     | personality | administrative | operational | availability |
| 1  | controller-0 | controller  | unlocked       | enabled     | available    |
| 2  | controller-1 | controller  | locked         | disabled    | online       |

2.6 Configure controller-1

system host-if-modify controller-1 $OAM_IF -n oam0
system host-if-modify controller-1 oam0 -c platform
system interface-network-assign controller-1 oam0 oam

system host-if-add         -V 19 controller-1 cluster0 vlan pxeboot0
system interface-network-assign controller-1 cluster0 cluster-host

system host-if-list controller-1

system host-disk-list controller-1
system host-disk-list controller-1 | awk '/\/dev\/sdb/{print $2}' | xargs -i system host-stor-add controller-1 {}
system host-disk-list controller-1 | awk '/\/dev\/sdc/{print $2}' | xargs -i system host-stor-add controller-1 {}
system host-stor-list controller-1


[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ OAM_IF=eno3
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ MGMT_IF=eno1
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-if-modify controller-1 $OAM_IF -n oam0
| Property        | Value                                |
| ifname          | oam0                                 |
| iftype          | ethernet                             |
| ports           | [u'eno3']                            |
| imac            | 24:6e:96:5d:39:0e                    |
| imtu            | 1500                                 |
| ifclass         | None                                 |
| aemode          | None                                 |
| schedpolicy     | None                                 |
| txhashpolicy    | None                                 |
| uuid            | c2473511-d0d6-445d-9739-4d43dc029de9 |
| ihost_uuid      | 63c930c7-2195-4d5a-870c-be610fd6b4fc |
| vlan_id         | None                                 |
| uses            | []                                   |
| used_by         | []                                   |
| created_at      | 2020-11-22T14:01:32.365863+00:00     |
| updated_at      | 2020-11-22T15:04:45.090904+00:00     |
| sriov_numvfs    | 0                                    |
| sriov_vf_driver | None                                 |
| accelerated     | [True]                               |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-if-modify controller-1 oam0 -c platform
| Property        | Value                                |
| ifname          | oam0                                 |
| iftype          | ethernet                             |
| ports           | [u'eno3']                            |
| imac            | 24:6e:96:5d:39:0e                    |
| imtu            | 1500                                 |
| ifclass         | platform                             |
| aemode          | None                                 |
| schedpolicy     | None                                 |
| txhashpolicy    | None                                 |
| uuid            | c2473511-d0d6-445d-9739-4d43dc029de9 |
| ihost_uuid      | 63c930c7-2195-4d5a-870c-be610fd6b4fc |
| vlan_id         | None                                 |
| uses            | []                                   |
| used_by         | []                                   |
| created_at      | 2020-11-22T14:05:16.052229+00:00     |
| updated_at      | 2020-11-22T15:08:35.324634+00:00     |
| sriov_numvfs    | 0                                    |
| sriov_vf_driver | None                                 |
| accelerated     | [True]                               |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system interface-network-assign controller-1 oam0 oam
| Property     | Value                                |
| hostname     | controller-1                         |
| uuid         | f2e7f088-0dd0-4adc-8348-4e3cef23bc47 |
| ifname       | oam0                                 |
| network_name | oam                                  |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$

[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-if-add -V 19 controller-1 cluster0 vlan pxeboot0
| Property        | Value                                |
| ifname          | cluster0                             |
| iftype          | vlan                                 |
| ports           | []                                   |
| imac            | 24:6e:96:5d:38:ee                    |
| imtu            | 1500                                 |
| ifclass         | None                                 |
| aemode          | None                                 |
| schedpolicy     | None                                 |
| txhashpolicy    | None                                 |
| uuid            | b6783682-b2aa-4135-90d2-676e1db41ae8 |
| ihost_uuid      | 63c930c7-2195-4d5a-870c-be610fd6b4fc |
| vlan_id         | 19                                   |
| uses            | [u'pxeboot0']                        |
| used_by         | []                                   |
| created_at      | 2020-11-22T15:08:43.932209+00:00     |
| updated_at      | None                                 |
| sriov_numvfs    | 0                                    |
| sriov_vf_driver | None                                 |
| accelerated     | [True]                               |

[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system interface-network-assign controller-1 cluster0 cluster-host
| Property     | Value                                |
| hostname     | controller-1                         |
| uuid         | 8fc64805-b54b-45a4-b88a-e13b236abfe8 |
| ifname       | cluster0                             |
| network_name | cluster-host                         |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-if-list controller-1
| uuid                                 | name     | class    | type     | vlan id | ports     | uses i/f      | used by i/f             | attributes |
| b6783682-b2aa-4135-90d2-676e1db41ae8 | cluster0 | platform | vlan     | 19      | []        | [u'pxeboot0'] | []                      | MTU=1500   |
| b8921960-fde5-44c3-960d-2aebf42ea400 | pxeboot0 | platform | ethernet | None    | [u'eno1'] | []            | [u'mgmt0', u'cluster0'] | MTU=1500   |
| c103275b-2b75-4568-865f-ac6be32ecb2d | mgmt0    | platform | vlan     | 18      | []        | [u'pxeboot0'] | []                      | MTU=1500   |
| c2473511-d0d6-445d-9739-4d43dc029de9 | oam0     | platform | ethernet | None    | [u'eno3'] | []            | []                      | MTU=1500   |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-disk-list controller-1
| uuid                                 | device_no | device_ | device_ | size_ | available_ | rpm          | serial_id                        | device_path                                     |
|                                      | de        | num     | type    | gib   | gib        |              |                                  |                                                 |
| 5b8fade4-b048-48fa-b906-9dcbdbed8e96 | /dev/sda  | 2048    | HDD     | 893.  | 644.726    | Undetermined | 00cbd97f3e36ccfa2500561b14604609 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:0:0 |
|                                      |           |         |         | 75    |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
|                                      |           |         |         |       |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
| 1a3f0a36-5961-42e5-a271-e71db1c25d42 | /dev/sdb  | 2064    | HDD     | 1117. | 1117.247   | Undetermined | 006d0e977b5fccfa2500561b14604609 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:1:0 |
|                                      |           |         |         | 25    |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
|                                      |           |         |         |       |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
| eddd732f-2cea-49b3-86db-b722c0b1a1ae | /dev/sdc  | 2080    | HDD     | 1117. | 1117.247   | Undetermined | 003a2377ac7fccfa2500561b14604609 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:2:0 |
|                                      |           |         |         | 25    |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
|                                      |           |         |         |       |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
| 774c3cd0-1178-4145-9573-f0d6dee2ba06 | /dev/sdd  | 2096    | HDD     | 1117. | 1117.247   | Undetermined | 00d7093ef0adccfa2500561b14604609 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:3:0 |
|                                      |           |         |         | 25    |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
|                                      |           |         |         |       |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
| 00361302-8d55-4730-855c-b0098c73ab7e | /dev/sde  | 2112    | SSD     | 223.  | 223.568    | N/A          | PHDW730104QM240E                 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:d8:00.0-ata-1        |
|                                      |           |         |         | 57    |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
|                                      |           |         |         |       |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
| 7ce735e6-920f-4424-a890-a7a7f48d7632 | /dev/sdf  | 2128    | SSD     | 223.  | 223.568    | N/A          | PHDW730104LL240E                 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:d8:00.0-ata-2        |
|                                      |           |         |         | 57    |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
|                                      |           |         |         |       |            |              |                                  |                                                 |
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-disk-list controller-1 | awk '/\/dev\/sdb/{print $2}' | xargs -i system host-stor-add controller-1 {}
| Property         | Value                                                 |
| osdid            | 2                                                     |
| function         | osd                                                   |
| state            | configuring-on-unlock                                 |
| journal_location | 54a218d8-0466-4366-9ef0-3ec5a952fde7                  |
| journal_size_gib | 1024                                                  |
| journal_path     | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:1:0-part2 |
| journal_node     | /dev/sdb2                                             |
| uuid             | 54a218d8-0466-4366-9ef0-3ec5a952fde7                  |
| ihost_uuid       | 63c930c7-2195-4d5a-870c-be610fd6b4fc                  |
| idisk_uuid       | 1a3f0a36-5961-42e5-a271-e71db1c25d42                  |
| tier_uuid        | 06b4740e-29db-4896-9600-03ee40fe0d6c                  |
| tier_name        | storage                                               |
| created_at       | 2020-11-22T15:11:55.641193+00:00                      |
| updated_at       | None                                                  |

[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-disk-list controller-1 | awk '/\/dev\/sdc/{print $2}' | xargs -i system host-stor-add controller-1 {}
| Property         | Value                                                 |
| osdid            | 3                                                     |
| function         | osd                                                   |
| state            | configuring-on-unlock                                 |
| journal_location | 5be88c7a-3a94-4b97-9da5-b247bb89406c                  |
| journal_size_gib | 1024                                                  |
| journal_path     | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:2:0-part2 |
| journal_node     | /dev/sdc2                                             |
| uuid             | 5be88c7a-3a94-4b97-9da5-b247bb89406c                  |
| ihost_uuid       | 63c930c7-2195-4d5a-870c-be610fd6b4fc                  |
| idisk_uuid       | eddd732f-2cea-49b3-86db-b722c0b1a1ae                  |
| tier_uuid        | 06b4740e-29db-4896-9600-03ee40fe0d6c                  |
| tier_name        | storage                                               |
| created_at       | 2020-11-22T15:12:04.274839+00:00                      |
| updated_at       | None                                                  |

[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-stor-list controller-1
| uuid                                 | function | osdid | state                 | idisk_uuid                           | journal_path                                          | journal_node | journal_size_gib | tier_name |
| 54a218d8-0466-4366-9ef0-3ec5a952fde7 | osd      | 2     | configuring-on-unlock | 1a3f0a36-5961-42e5-a271-e71db1c25d42 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:1:0-part2 | /dev/sdb2    | 1                | storage   |
| 5be88c7a-3a94-4b97-9da5-b247bb89406c | osd      | 3     | configuring-on-unlock | eddd732f-2cea-49b3-86db-b722c0b1a1ae | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:86:00.0-scsi-0:2:2:0-part2 | /dev/sdc2    | 1                | storage   |

2.7 Unlock controller-1

Unlock controller-1 in order to bring it into service:

[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-unlock controller-1
| Property              | Value                                |
| action                | none                                 |
| administrative        | locked                               |
| availability          | online                               |
| bm_ip                 | None                                 |
| bm_type               | None                                 |
| bm_username           | None                                 |
| boot_device           | /dev/sda                             |
| capabilities          | {u'stor_function': u'monitor'}       |
| clock_synchronization | ntp                                  |
| config_applied        | None                                 |
| config_status         | Config out-of-date                   |
| config_target         | 9747e0ce-2319-409d-b75c-2475bc5065ac |
| console               | ttyS0,115200                         |
| created_at            | 2020-11-22T12:58:11.630526+00:00     |
| hostname              | controller-1                         |
| id                    | 3                                    |
| install_output        | text                                 |
| install_state         | None                                 |
| install_state_info    | None                                 |
| inv_state             | inventoried                          |
| invprovision          | unprovisioned                        |
| location              | {}                                   |
| mgmt_ip               |                         |
| mgmt_mac              | 24:6e:96:5d:38:ee                    |
| operational           | disabled                             |
| personality           | controller                           |
| reserved              | False                                |
| rootfs_device         | /dev/sda                             |
| serialid              | None                                 |
| software_load         | 19.12                                |
| subfunction_avail     | online                               |
| subfunction_oper      | disabled                             |
| subfunctions          | controller,worker,lowlatency         |
| task                  | Unlocking                            |
| tboot                 | false                                |
| ttys_dcd              | None                                 |
| updated_at            | 2020-11-22T15:13:09.716324+00:00     |
| uptime                | 752                                  |
| uuid                  | 63c930c7-2195-4d5a-870c-be610fd6b4fc |
| vim_progress_status   | None                                 |

Controller-1 will reboot in order to apply configuration changes and come into service. This can take 5-10 minutes, depending on the performance of the host machine.

[root@controller-0 hieradata(keystone_admin)]$ system host-list
| id | hostname     | personality | administrative | operational | availability |
| 1  | controller-0 | controller  | unlocked       | enabled     | available    |
| 2  | controller-1 | controller  | unlocked       | enabled     | available    |

[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-show controller-1
| Property              | Value                                                                 |
| action                | none                                                                  |
| administrative        | unlocked                                                              |
| availability          | available                                                             |
| bm_ip                 | None                                                                  |
| bm_type               | None                                                                  |
| bm_username           | None                                                                  |
| boot_device           | /dev/sda                                                              |
| capabilities          | {u'stor_function': u'monitor', u'Personality': u'Controller-Standby'} |
| clock_synchronization | ntp                                                                   |
| config_applied        | 9747e0ce-2319-409d-b75c-2475bc5065ac                                  |
| config_status         | None                                                                  |
| config_target         | 9747e0ce-2319-409d-b75c-2475bc5065ac                                  |
| console               | ttyS0,115200                                                          |
| created_at            | 2020-11-22T12:58:11.630526+00:00                                      |
| hostname              | controller-1                                                          |
| id                    | 2                                                                     |
| install_output        | text                                                                  |
| install_state         | None                                                                  |
| install_state_info    | None                                                                  |
| inv_state             | inventoried                                                           |
| invprovision          | provisioned                                                           |
| location              | {}                                                                    |
| mgmt_ip               |                                                          |
| mgmt_mac              | 24:6e:96:5d:38:ee                                                     |
| operational           | enabled                                                               |
| personality           | controller                                                            |
| reserved              | False                                                                 |
| rootfs_device         | /dev/sda                                                              |
| serialid              | None                                                                  |
| software_load         | 19.12                                                                 |
| subfunction_avail     | available                                                             |
| subfunction_oper      | enabled                                                               |
| subfunctions          | controller,worker,lowlatency                                          |
| task                  |                                                                       |
| tboot                 | false                                                                 |
| ttys_dcd              | None                                                                  |
| updated_at            | 2020-11-22T23:59:07.787759+00:00                                      |
| uptime                | 31008                                                                 |
| uuid                  | 63c930c7-2195-4d5a-870c-be610fd6b4fc                                  |
| vim_progress_status   | services-enabled                                                      |

3. Simple use case for sriov

3.1 After controller-0 is rebooted and up running, download the DPDK
[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ cd /opt
[sysadmin@controller-0 opt(keystone_admin)]$ sudo wget
--2020-06-04 02:35:30--
Resolving,,, ...
Connecting to||:443... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 10251680 (9.8M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘dpdk-17.11.10.tar.xz’

dpdk-17.11.10.tar.xz                        100%
[========================================================================================>]   9.78M
1.48MB/s    in 6.8s

2020-06-04 02:35:40 (1.43 MB/s) - ‘dpdk-17.11.10.tar.xz’ saved [10251680/10251680]

sudo tar xvf dpdk-17.11.10.tar.xz

sudo ln -s dpdk-stable-17.11.10 dpdk-stable
3.2 Prepare the yaml file for the network assignment container

The following the exmaple of the yaml file:

[sysadmin@controller-0 sriov(keystone_admin)]$ cat <<EOF > netdef-data-dpdk.yaml
> apiVersion: ""
> kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition
> metadata:
>   name: sriov-data-dpdk-0
>   annotations:
> spec:
>   config: '{
>   "type": "sriov",
>   "name": "sriov-data-dpdk-0"
> }'
> ---
> apiVersion: ""
> kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition
> metadata:
>   name: sriov-data-dpdk-1
>   annotations:
> spec:
>   config: '{
>   "type": "sriov",
>   "name": "sriov-data-dpdk-1"
> }'
3.3 Run the network assignent container for the 2 VFs
[sysadmin@controller-0 sriov(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl create -f netdef-data-dpdk.yaml created created
3.4 Prepare the VF container yaml file
[sysadmin@controller-0 sriov(keystone_admin)]$ cat <<EOF > pod-with-dpdk-vfs-0.yaml
> apiVersion: v1
> kind: Pod
> metadata:
>   name: pod-with-dpdk-vfs-0
>   annotations:
> '[
>             { "name": "sriov-data-dpdk-0" },
            { "name": "sriov-data-dpdk-1" }
>             { "name": "sriov-data-dpdk-1" }
>     ]'
> spec:
>   restartPolicy: Never
>   containers:
>   - name: pod-with-dpdk-vfs-0
>     image: wrsnfv/ubuntu-dpdk-build:v0.3
>     env:
>     - name: RTE_SDK
>       value: "/usr/src/dpdk"
>     command:
>     - sleep
>     - infinity
>     stdin: true
>     tty: true
>     securityContext:
>       privileged: true
>       capabilities:
>         add:
>         - ALL
>     resources:
>       requests:
>         cpu: 4
>         memory: 4Gi
> '1'
> '1'
>       limits:
>         cpu: 4
>         hugepages-1Gi: 2Gi
>         memory: 4Gi
> '1'
> '1'
>     volumeMounts:
>     - mountPath: /mnt/huge-1048576kB
>       name: hugepage
>     - name: dpdk-volume
>       mountPath: /usr/src/dpdk
>     - name: lib-volume
>       mountPath: /lib/modules
>     - name: src-volume
>       mountPath: /usr/src/
>   volumes:
>   - name: hugepage
>     emptyDir:
>       medium: HugePages
>   - name: dpdk-volume
>     hostPath:
>       path: /opt/dpdk-stable/
>   - name: lib-volume
>     hostPath:
>       path: /lib/modules
>   - name: src-volume
>     hostPath:
>       path: /usr/src/
3.5 Run the VF container

Start the VF container.

[sysadmin@controller-0 sriov(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl create -f pod-with-dpdk-vfs-0.yaml
pod/pod-with-dpdk-vfs-0 created

[sysadmin@controller-0 sriov(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl get pod
NAME                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod-with-dpdk-vfs-0   1/1     Running   0          6m40s

Login the VF container

kubectl exec -it pod-with-dpdk-vfs-0 -- bash

Build the DPDK

cd /lib/modules/5.0.19-rt11-yocto-preempt-rt/build

root@pod-with-dpdk-vfs-0:/lib/modules/5.0.19-rt11-yocto-preempt-rt/build# make prepare
  HOSTCC  scripts/basic/fixdep
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/conf.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/confdata.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/expr.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/symbol.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/preprocess.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/zconf.lex.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/kconfig/
  HOSTLD  scripts/kconfig/conf
scripts/kconfig/conf  --syncconfig Kconfig
  HOSTCC  arch/x86/tools/relocs_32.o
  HOSTCC  arch/x86/tools/relocs_64.o
  HOSTCC  arch/x86/tools/relocs_common.o
  HOSTLD  arch/x86/tools/relocs
  HOSTCC  scripts/genksyms/genksyms.o
  YACC    scripts/genksyms/
  HOSTCC  scripts/genksyms/
  LEX     scripts/genksyms/lex.lex.c
  YACC    scripts/genksyms/
  HOSTCC  scripts/genksyms/lex.lex.o
  HOSTLD  scripts/genksyms/genksyms
  HOSTCC  scripts/bin2c
  HOSTCC  scripts/kallsyms
  HOSTCC  scripts/conmakehash
  HOSTCC  scripts/recordmcount
  HOSTCC  scripts/sortextable
  HOSTCC  scripts/asn1_compiler
  HOSTCC  scripts/sign-file
  HOSTCC  scripts/extract-cert
  CC      scripts/mod/empty.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/mod/mk_elfconfig
  MKELF   scripts/mod/elfconfig.h
  HOSTCC  scripts/mod/modpost.o
  CC      scripts/mod/devicetable-offsets.s
  UPD     scripts/mod/devicetable-offsets.h
  HOSTCC  scripts/mod/file2alias.o
  HOSTCC  scripts/mod/sumversion.o
  HOSTLD  scripts/mod/modpost
  CC      kernel/bounds.s
  CC      arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.s
  CALL    scripts/

Build the test_pmd application

Option: 14
  CC config.o
  CC iofwd.o
  CC macfwd.o
  CC macswap.o
  CC flowgen.o
  CC rxonly.o
  CC txonly.o
  CC csumonly.o
  CC icmpecho.o
  CC tm.o
  LD testpmd
  INSTALL-APP testpmd
== Build app/proc_info
  CC main.o
  LD dpdk-procinfo
  INSTALL-APP dpdk-procinfo
== Build app/pdump
  CC main.o
  LD dpdk-pdump
  INSTALL-APP dpdk-pdump
== Build app/test-crypto-perf
  CC main.o
  CC cperf_ops.o
  CC cperf_options_parsing.o
  CC cperf_test_vectors.o
  CC cperf_test_throughput.o
  CC cperf_test_latency.o
  CC cperf_test_pmd_cyclecount.o
  CC cperf_test_verify.o
  CC cperf_test_vector_parsing.o
  CC cperf_test_common.o
  LD dpdk-test-crypto-perf
  INSTALL-APP dpdk-test-crypto-perf
== Build app/test-eventdev
  CC evt_main.o
  CC evt_options.o
  CC evt_test.o
  CC parser.o
  CC test_order_common.o
  CC test_order_queue.o
  CC test_order_atq.o
  CC test_perf_common.o
  CC test_perf_queue.o
  CC test_perf_atq.o
  LD dpdk-test-eventdev
  INSTALL-APP dpdk-test-eventdev
Build complete [x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc]
Installation cannot run with T defined and DESTDIR undefined
RTE_TARGET exported as x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc

Press enter to continue ...

Check the VF PCI information:

root@pod-with-dpdk-vfs-0:/usr/src/dpdk# printenv | grep PCIDEVICE_INTEL_COM

Exit from pod back to host to find which VFs are assigned to this pod by check the pci address:

[root@controller-0 sysadmin(keystone_admin)]# ls -l /sys/class/net/ens2f0/device/virtfn*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  4 02:12 /sys/class/net/ens2f0/device/virtfn0 -> ../0000:05:10.0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  4 02:12 /sys/class/net/ens2f0/device/virtfn1 -> ../0000:05:10.2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  4 02:12 /sys/class/net/ens2f0/device/virtfn2 -> ../0000:05:10.4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  4 02:12 /sys/class/net/ens2f0/device/virtfn3 -> ../0000:05:10.6
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  4 02:12 /sys/class/net/ens2f0/device/virtfn4 -> ../0000:05:11.0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  4 02:12 /sys/class/net/ens2f0/device/virtfn5 -> ../0000:05:11.2

[root@controller-0 sysadmin(keystone_admin)]# ls -l /sys/class/net/ens2f1/device/virtfn*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  4 02:12 /sys/class/net/ens2f1/device/virtfn0 -> ../0000:05:10.1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  4 02:12 /sys/class/net/ens2f1/device/virtfn1 -> ../0000:05:10.3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  4 02:12 /sys/class/net/ens2f1/device/virtfn2 -> ../0000:05:10.5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  4 02:12 /sys/class/net/ens2f1/device/virtfn3 -> ../0000:05:10.7
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  4 02:12 /sys/class/net/ens2f1/device/virtfn4 -> ../0000:05:11.1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  4 02:12 /sys/class/net/ens2f1/device/virtfn5 -> ../0000:05:11.3

[root@controller-0 sysadmin(keystone_admin)]# sudo ip link set ens2f0 vf 4 mac 9e:fd:e6:dd:c1:01
[root@controller-0 sysadmin(keystone_admin)]# sudo ip link set ens2f1 vf 4 mac 9e:fd:e6:dd:c1:02

Get back to pod and run the test_pmd

cd $RTE_SDK/x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/

taskset -p --cpu-list 1
pid 1's current affinity list: 2,3,18,19

./testpmd --socket-mem 1024,1024 -l 2,3 -w 0000:05:11.0 -w 0000:05:11.1 --file-prefix=testpmd_ -- --auto-
start --tx-first --stats-period 1 --disable-hw-vlan --eth-peer=0,"9e:fd:e6:dd:c1:02" --eth-
EAL: Detected 32 lcore(s)
EAL: No free hugepages reported in hugepages-2048kB
EAL: Probing VFIO support...
EAL: VFIO support initialized
EAL: PCI device 0000:05:11.0 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 8086:10ed net_ixgbe_vf
EAL:   using IOMMU type 1 (Type 1)
EAL: PCI device 0000:05:11.1 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 8086:10ed net_ixgbe_vf
Auto-start selected
Ports to start sending a burst of packets first
Warning: lsc_interrupt needs to be off when  using tx_first. Disabling.
USER1: create a new mbuf pool <mbuf_pool_socket_0>: n=155456, size=2176, socket=0
Configuring Port 0 (socket 0)
Port 0: 9E:FD:E6:DD:C1:01
Configuring Port 1 (socket 0)
Port 1: 9E:FD:E6:DD:C1:02
Checking link statuses...
Port0 Link Up. speed 10000 Mbps- full-duplex
Port1 Link Up. speed 10000 Mbps- full-duplex
No commandline core given, start packet forwarding
io packet forwarding - ports=2 - cores=1 - streams=2 - NUMA support enabled, MP over anonymous pages
Logical Core 3 (socket 0) forwards packets on 2 streams:
  RX P=0/Q=0 (socket 0) -> TX P=1/Q=0 (socket 0) peer=9E:FD:E6:DD:C1:01
  RX P=1/Q=0 (socket 0) -> TX P=0/Q=0 (socket 0) peer=9E:FD:E6:DD:C1:02

  io packet forwarding packets/burst=32
  nb forwarding cores=1 - nb forwarding ports=2
  port 0:
  CRC stripping enabled
  RX queues=1 - RX desc=128 - RX free threshold=32
  RX threshold registers: pthresh=8 hthresh=8  wthresh=0
  TX queues=1 - TX desc=512 - TX free threshold=32
  TX threshold registers: pthresh=32 hthresh=0  wthresh=0
  TX RS bit threshold=32 - TXQ flags=0xf01
  port 1:
  CRC stripping enabled
  RX queues=1 - RX desc=128 - RX free threshold=32
  RX threshold registers: pthresh=8 hthresh=8  wthresh=0
  TX queues=1 - TX desc=512 - TX free threshold=32
  TX threshold registers: pthresh=32 hthresh=0  wthresh=0
  TX RS bit threshold=32 - TXQ flags=0xf01

Port statistics ====================================
  ######################## NIC statistics for port 0  ########################
  RX-packets: 56         RX-missed: 0          RX-bytes:  4096
  RX-errors: 0
  RX-nombuf:  0
  TX-packets: 64         TX-errors: 0          TX-bytes:  4096

  Throughput (since last show)
  Rx-pps:            0
  Tx-pps:            0

  ######################## NIC statistics for port 1  ########################
  RX-packets: 432        RX-missed: 0          RX-bytes:  27712
  RX-errors: 0
  RX-nombuf:  0
  TX-packets: 461        TX-errors: 0          TX-bytes:  30080

  Throughput (since last show)
  Rx-pps:            0
  Tx-pps:            0

Port statistics ====================================
  ######################## NIC statistics for port 0  ########################
  RX-packets: 14124641   RX-missed: 0          RX-bytes:  903977344
  RX-errors: 0
  RX-nombuf:  0
  TX-packets: 14170205   TX-errors: 0          TX-bytes:  906893376

  Throughput (since last show)
  Rx-pps:      7068409
  Tx-pps:      7091206
