.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright (c) 2022 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. User-Guide ================ .. contents:: :depth: 3 :local: Overview -------- - The entire operation scenario can be checked when deployed with KPIMON xApp, Traffic Steering xApp and QP Driver xApp. - This is compatible with influxDB2. Build Image ----------- Use the `docker build` command for docker image build. .. code-block:: none qp-aimlfw $ docker build -f Dockerfile . Setting up curl (7.68.0-1ubuntu2.14) ... Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.31-0ubuntu9.9) ... Processing triggers for ca-certificates (20211016ubuntu0.20.04.1) ... Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs... 0 added, 0 removed; done. Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d... done. Removing intermediate container 694003ecb2e1 ---> 18d14cdf7365 Step 15/19 : COPY --from=builder /opt/qoe-aiml-assist/build/qoe-aiml-assist . ---> 20d6be2c65b1 Step 16/19 : COPY --from=builder /usr/local/include /usr/local/include ---> e5f0c6465df4 Step 17/19 : COPY --from=builder /usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib ---> 5bcaca789e8c Step 18/19 : COPY --from=builder /opt/qoe-aiml-assist/config/* /opt/ric/config/ ---> a5ef330d90df Step 19/19 : RUN ldconfig ---> Running in b6ee4f81f4ff Removing intermediate container b6ee4f81f4ff ---> 91d0473a7cf1 Successfully built 91d0473a7cf1 Successfully tagged nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/ric-app-qp-aimlfw-docker:1.0.0 Environments of qp-aimlfw ------------------------- By modifying the `config/config-file.json` file before onboarding, we can change the environment variable of the QoE Prediction assist xApp. Below is a description of the configurable environmental variables related to QoE xApp. +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |`INFLUX_URL` | URL contianing the address and port of influxDB. ex) "" | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |`INFLUX_TOKEN` |a influx token composed of alphabets and numbers. | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |`INFLUX_BUCKET` | a bucket name of influxDB. | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |`INFLUX_ORG` | organization name of influxDB. | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |`INFLUX_QUERY_START` | start point of the influxDB query range ex) "-3m" or "-10s" | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |`INFLUX_QUERY_STOP` | end point of the influxDB query range. If this value is not set like `""`, | | | the end point is set to the current time(now). ex) "-1m" or "" | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |`MLXAPP_REQ_HEADER_HOST`| header of MLxApp's host. ex) "qoe-model.kserve-test.example.com" | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |`MLXAPP_HOST` | host address of MLxApp. ex) "" | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |`MLXAPP_PORT` | port number of MLxApp. ex) "2222" | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |`MLXAPP_REQ_URL` |requet URL of MLxapp. ex) "v1/models/qoe-model:predict" | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Onboarding of qp-aimlfw using `dms_cli` tool --------------------------------------------- Before deploying QoE Prediction assist xApp, onboarding should be done using `config-file.json` and `schema.json` Onboarding is required for the first time before deploy, and must be performed whenever the value of `config-file.json` is changed. For onboarding, `dms_cli` and helm3 are required. `dms_cli` can be referred to in this `documentation ` .. code-block:: none $ dms_cli onboard --config_file_path=config/config-file.json --schema_file_path=config/schema.json httpGet: path: '{{ index .Values "readinessProbe" "httpGet" "path" | toJson }}' port: '{{ index .Values "readinessProbe" "httpGet" "port" | toJson }}' initialDelaySeconds: '{{ index .Values "readinessProbe" "initialDelaySeconds" | toJson }}' periodSeconds: '{{ index .Values "readinessProbe" "periodSeconds" | toJson }}' httpGet: path: '{{ index .Values "livenessProbe" "httpGet" "path" | toJson }}' port: '{{ index .Values "livenessProbe" "httpGet" "port" | toJson }}' initialDelaySeconds: '{{ index .Values "livenessProbe" "initialDelaySeconds" | toJson }}' periodSeconds: '{{ index .Values "livenessProbe" "periodSeconds" | toJson }}' { "status": "Created" } Deployment of qp-aimlfw using `dms_cli` tool --------------------------------------------- Deploy the onboarded QoE Prediction assist xApp using `dms_cli`. .. code-block:: none $ dms_cli install --xapp_chart_name=qoe-aiml-assist --version=1.0.0 --namespace=ricxapp status: OK Check if QoE Prediction assist xApp deployed normally. .. code-block:: none $ kubectl get pods -n ricxapp NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE ricxapp-qoe-aiml-assist-5f788bb667-47k5h 0/1 Pending 0 3m $ kubectl get svc -n=ricxapp NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE aux-entry ClusterIP 80/TCP,443/TCP 8d service-ricxapp-qoe-aiml-assist-http ClusterIP 8080/TCP 129m service-ricxapp-qoe-aiml-assist-rmr ClusterIP 4560/TCP,4561/TCP 129m