Installation Guide

Environment Variables

Kubernetes Deployment

The official Helm chart for the A1 Mediator is in a deployment repository, which holds all of the Helm charts for the RIC platform. There is a helm chart in integration_tests here for running the integration tests as discussed above.

Local Deployment

Build and run the A1 mediator locally using the docker CLI as follows.

Build the image

docker build --no-cache -t a1:latest .

Start the container

The A1 container depends on a companion DBaaS (SDL) container, but if that is not convenient set an environment variable as shown below to mock that service. Also a sample RMR routing table is supplied in file local.rt for mounting as a volume. The following command uses both:

docker run -e USE_FAKE_SDL=True -p 10000:10000 -v /path/to/local.rt:/opt/route/local.rt a1:latest

Check container health

The following command requests the container health. Expect an internal server error if the Storage Data Layer (SDL) service is not available or has not been mocked as shown above.

curl docker-host-name-or-ip:10000/a1-p/healthcheck