Developer Guide


This is the developer guide of O-RAN SC SDL C++ library. SDL implementation downloading (execute command in such directory where you want to download SDL repository).

Without commit hook:

git clone ""

With commit hook:

git clone "" && (cd "sdl" && mkdir -p .git/hooks && curl -Lo `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg; chmod +x `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg)

SDL has only few dependencies to other components and therefore SDL should be quite simple to build and install to almost any modern Linux environment by following instructions below.

If not otherwise mentioned, commands in this document are executed in the directory where the SDL repository has been cloned into.



C++ compiler supporting C++14 is required for compiling SDL.

Currently, the following library is required while building:

  • boost

  • hiredis

  • doxygen (optional)

Commands to install dependent packages in Fedora:

sudo dnf install boost-devel
sudo dnf install hiredis-devel
sudo dnf install doxygen

Commands to install dependent packages in Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt install libboost-all-dev
sudo apt install libhiredis-dev
sudo apt install doxygen

Compilation in the Source Directory:

make all
make test

Compilation in a Separate Build Directory

Both configure and make can be executed in a separate directory (or directories) for keeping the source directory clean or for testing different configuration options in parallel. For example:

mkdir build
cd build
make all
make test

Note that if you compile SDL this way, all coming configure and make commands are executed in the build directory like above.


By default the shared library is installed to /usr/local/lib and headers into to /usr/local/include. If this is not desired, then provide different path when running configure, for example:

./configure --prefix=$HOME

Note that configure command allows plethora of additional options. For more info:

./configure --help

After configuration has been done, run:

make install

Building SDL API Document

SDL API Documentation is a Doxygen document generated from SDL public header files.

One can generate Doxygen documentation locally by running commands:

make doxygen-doc

in the directory where the SDL repository has been cloned to.

By default make doxygen-doc creates HTML, PDF and PS documents (if the needed tools are available, check the output of ./configure command to get the names of missing tools). The documents are created to (paths are relative to the directory where the SDL repository has been cloned to):

  • doxygen-doc/html/index.html

  • doxygen-doc/shareddatalayer.pdf

  • doxygen-doc/

Creation of different document formats can be controlled with various –enable-doxygen-* and –disable-doxygen-* configuration options. For example if only HTML document is needed, then run:

./configure --disable-doxygen-pdf --disable-doxygen-ps
make doxygen-doc

Running Tests

Unit Tests

Unit tests are compiled and executed by simply running:

make test

By default all unit tests are executed. If valgrind is installed, then by default unit test execution is analyzed with valgrind.

Running specific test cases can be achieved by using GTEST_FILTER environment variable. For example:

make test GTEST_FILTER=AsyncStorageTest*

If valgrind is not desired (even if installed), then it can be disabled with USE_VALGRIND environment variable:

make test USE_VALGRIND=false

Additional valgrind arguments can be specified with VALGRIND_EXTRA_ARGS environment variable. For example:

make test VALGRIND_EXTRA_ARGS='--track-fds=yes --log-file=mylog.txt'

It is also possible to use the testrunner binary directly (after it has been compiled). The testrunner binary supports all the command line options gtest supports, for example:

make testrunner
./testrunner --help
./testrunner --gtest_filter=AsyncStorageTest*

To get unit test code coverage analysis enable unit test gcov code coverage analysis by configuring gcov reporting directory:

configure --with-gcov-report-dir=DIR

Directory can be an absolute path or a relative path to an SDL source root. Unit test build creates directory if it does not exist.

Build and run unit tests with code coverage analysis:

make test_gcov

After successful unit test run code coverage (.gcov) result files are in a directory, what was defined by ‘–with-gcov-report-dir’ configure option.

In addition, graphical gcov front-ends such as lcov can be used for coverage analysis:

lcov --directory tst/ --directory src --capture --output-file
genhtml --output-directory out

Open the out/index.html using any web browser.

Docker Tests

It’s also possible to test SDL compilation, run unit tests and test building of rpm and Debian packages in a Docker:

docker build  --no-cache -f docker_test/Dockerfile-Test -t sdltest:latest .

If needed, ready rpm and Debian packages can be copied from Docker to host. In below example packages are copied to host’s /tmp/sdltest-packages directory:

docker run -v /tmp/sdltest-packages:/export sdltest:latest /export

Functional Tests

Functional tests are not yet available.

Debugging SDL Binaries

The testrunner and other binaries created by make into the working directory are not real binaries but shell scripts (generated by automake) used for running the real binaries. The real binaries are in .libs directory. Normally this is not important, but when using gdb or other debugger/analyzer tools it is important to use the real binary instead of the generated shell script.

Examples below demonstrate how one can run testrunner binary (unit tests) in gdb debugger:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.libs gdb --args .libs/testrunner
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.libs gdb --args .libs/testrunner --gtest_filter=AsyncStorageTest*


When Redis type backend data storage is used, SDL requires Redis v4.0 or greater. Older versions do not support extension modules.

Redis Modules

When Redis type backend data storage is used, SDL requires that the following Redis extension commands have been installed to runtime environment:








Implementation for these commands is produced by RIC DBaaS. In official RIC deployments these commands are installed by DBaaS service to Redis container(s). In development environment you may want install commands manually to pod/container which is running Redis.

Manual Redis module installing

Redis module implementation downloading (execute command in such directory where you want to download redis module implementation):

git clone ""

Installation to default system directory:

cd redismodule
make install

Following line should be added to redis.conf file:

loadmodule <path>/

<path> should be replaced to match library installation directory path.

redis-server must be restarted after configuration file update.

Notice that redis-server takes path to configuration file as an argument. If not given, redis-server will start with default parameter values and above made loadmodule option is not effective. Refer to:

redis-server --help

SDL API will check in connection setup phase that all required Redis extension commands are available, if not then execution is aborted and error log is written to identify which commands are missing.