Developer Guide

This document explains how to maintain the RIC Xapp framework. Information for users of this framework (i.e., Xapp developers) is in the User Guide.

Tech Stack

The framework requires Python version 3.8 or later, and depends on these packages provided by the O-RAN-SC project and third parties:

  • msgpack

  • mdclogpy

  • ricsdl

  • protobuf

Version bumping the framework

This project follows semver. When changes are made, the versions are in:

  1. docs/release-notes.rst


Version bumping RMR

These items in this repo must be kept in sync with the RMR version:

  1. Dockerfile-Unit-Test

  2. examples/Dockerfile-Ping

  3. examples/Dockerfile-Pong

  4. rmr-version.yaml controls what version of RMR is installed for unit testing in Jenkins CI

Registration/Deregistartion of Xapp

For registration and deregistration of Xapp following items need to be defined:

  1. CONFIG_FILE_PATH variable as a environment variable in Dockerfile if running Xapp as a docker container or in configmap in case of Xapp as a pod.

  2. Copy the xappConfig.json into the docker image in Dockerfile.

Example Xapp

Director examples has many examples for creating the xapp having features like: * REST subscription interface * symptomdata handler * rmr send/receive * REST healthy and ready response handler * REST config handler

List of xapps: * and using RMR to send and receive * for subscribing the symptomdata event * for both symptomdata, RMR recveice, k8s healthy service and REST subscription

Test xapp can be run by creating the docker container or as standalone process. For testing has been made to emulate the REST subscription request responses and responding the symptomdata dynamic registration reponse. When running the xapp_test you need to create the RMR static routing file so that the rmr initialization will return (otherwise it will wait for rtmgr connection).

Test xapp has as well the config file in descriptor/config-file.json where your can adjust the local runtime environment for subscriptions and symptomdata lwsd service ip address.

Subsciprion interface url has the submgr service endpoint : http://service-ricplt-submgr-http.ricplt:8088/ Symptomdata registration url set to lwsd service url : http://service-ricplt-lwsd-http.ricplt:8080/ric/v1/lwsd

In case of using for testing configure your host ip address, for example port 8090:

Subsciprion interface url has the submgr service endpoint : Symptomdata registration url set to lwsd service url :

Then start the restserversimu:

export PYTHONPATH=./ python3 examples/ -port 9000 -address

and then the xapp_test:

export PYTHONPATH=./ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export RMR_SEED_RT=examples/descriptor/xapp-test.rt export RMR_SRC_ID=”” python3 examples/ -config examples/descriptor/config-file.json -port 8888 -xapp xapp-test -service xapp-test

If you like to implement the kubernetes healthy service responder, you can follow the example how to use the defined rest hander. Basically you can initiate the REST service listener and add the handlers (examples in

Subscription REST interface

api/xapp_rest_api.yaml defines interface and it has been used to generate the swagger api calls.

Generating the swagger client model: docker run –rm -v ${PWD}:/local -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) swaggerapi/swagger-codegen-cli generate -i /local/api/xapp_rest_api.yaml -l python -o /local/out

swagger-codegen-cli generated code result needs to be adjusted to have the ricxappframe prefix. Replace the module name to have the ricxappframe prefix:

find ./out/swagger_client -type f -exec sed -i -e ‘s/swagger_client/ricxappframe.swagger_client/g’ {} ;

Then copy the generated ./out/swagger_client directory to ./ricxappframe/subsclient directory:

cp -r ./out/swagger_client/* ./ricxappframe/subsclient

Unit Testing

Running the unit tests requires the python packages tox and pytest.

The RMR library is also required during unit tests. If running directly from tox (outside a Docker container), install RMR according to its instructions.

Upon completion, view the test coverage like this:

open htmlcov/index.html

Alternatively, if you cannot install RMR locally, you can run the unit tests in Docker. This is somewhat less nice because you don’t get the pretty HTML report on coverage.

docker build  --no-cache -f Dockerfile-Unit-Test .