RIC Dashboard Configuration and Deployment

This documents the configuration and deployment of the O-RAN SC RIC Dashboard web application, which is often deployed together with the ONAP Portal.


The application requires the following configuration files:


In Kubernetes deployment, all file contents are provided by a configuration map. Construction of Helm charts, config maps and other Kubernetes deployment resources is beyond the scope of this document.

Application Properties

The file application.yaml must be provided when the application is launched, either in the current working directory or in a config subdirectory (latter is preferred). For example, a Helm chart that deploys the application should mount this file appropriately.

Many properties have default values cached within the application, in file src/main/resources/application.yaml. Properties with default values do NOT need to be repeated in a deployment-specific configuration. Properties without default values MUST be specified in a deployment-specific configuration.

The properties are listed below in alphabetical order with their fully qualified dot-separated names, for example “server.port”. Please note that in the YAML file, every component of the name is on a separate line, for example:

    port: 8080

The application uses the following properties.


Application Manager URL suffix. Default is /appmgr/ric/v1.


CAAS-Ingress application URL suffix for the RIC Auxiliary cluster. Default is api.


Flag whether to disable SSL/TLS certificate and hostname verification. If true, the dashboard can communicate with a CAAS-Ingress endpoint that uses self-signed certificates.


CAAS-Ingress application URL suffix for the RIC-PLT cluster. Default is api.


E2 Manager URL suffix. Default is /e2mgr/v1.


Application name expected at ONAP portal. Default is RIC Dashboard


Java class that decrypts ciphertext from Portal. Default is org.oransc.ric.portal.dashboard.portalapi.PortalSdkDecryptorAes.


REST password expected at ONAP portal. No default value.


Boolean flag whether the Dashboard limits access to users (browsers) that present security tokens set by the ONAP Portal. If false, no access control is performed, which is only appropriate for isolated lab testing.


Name of request cookie with user ID. Default is UserId.


REST user name expected at ONAP portal. No default value.


List of RIC region entries. Each region has a name and a list of RIC instances. A region has entries as shown below, where the “[0]” notation refers to the first instance in a list. A partial example appears next:

        name: Region AAA
              key: i1
              name: Primary RIC Instance
              appUrlPrefix: App prefix 1
              caasUrlPrefix: Caas prefix 1
              pltUrlPrefix: Plt prefix 1


User-friendly name of the region.


Unique key for the instance, across all instances.


User-friendly name for the instance.


xApplication URL prefix. In a Kubernetes deployment, this should be the URL where an ingress service listens. Usually a service name like http://ricplt-entry/xapp


CAAS-Ingress application URL prefix for the RIC Auxiliary cluster.


RIC Platform URL prefix. In a Kubernetes deployment, this should be the URL where an ingress service listens. Usually a service name like http://ricplt-entry/xapp


Port where the Tomcat server listens for requests. Default is 8080.


Path of file that stores application statistic details. Default is dashboard-stats.json.


Path of file that stores user details. Default is dashboard-users.json.


Xapp Onboarder URL suffix. Default is /xapporbd/api/v1.

Key Properties

The file key.properties must be provided on the Java classpath for the Spring-Boot application, as required by the EPSDK-FW library. The Helm chart for the application should mount this file appropriately. A sample file is in directory src/test/resources.

The file must contain the following entries, listed here in alphabetical order.


Encryption key used by the EPSDK-FW library. No default value.

Portal Properties

The file portal.properties must be provided on the Java classpath for the application, as required by the EPSDK-FW library. The Helm chart for the application should mount this file appropriately. A sample file is in directory src/test/resources.

The file must contain the following entries, listed here in alphabetical order.


Portal URL that is reachable by a user’s browser. This is a value like https://portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30225/ONAPPORTAL/login.htm


Portal REST URL that is reachable by the Dashboard back-end. This is a value like http://portal-app.onap:8989/ONAPPORTAL/auxapi


Java class name. No default value. Value must be org.oransc.ric.portal.dashboard.portalapi.PortalRestCentralServiceImpl


Selector for role access. No default value. Value must be remote.


Unique key assigned by ONAP Portal to the RIC Dashboard application. No default value.


A production server requires the configuration files listed above. All files should be placed in a config directory. That name is important; Spring automatically searches that directory for the application.yaml file. Further, that directory can easily be placed on the Java classpath so the additional files can be found at runtime.

On-Board Dashboard to ONAP Portal

When on-boarding the Dashboard to the ONAP Portal the administrator must supply the following information about the deployed instance:

  • Dashboard URL that is reachable by a user’s browser. The domain of this host name must match the Portal URL that is similarly reachable by a user’s browser for cookie-based authentication to function as expected. This should be a value like http://dashboard.simpledemo.onap.org:8080
  • Dashboard REST URL that is reachable by the Portal back-end server. This can be a host name or an IP address, because it does not use cookie-based authentication. This must be a URL with suffix “/api/v3” for example

The Dashboard server only listens on a single port, so the examples above both use the same port number. Different port numbers might be required if an ingress controller or other proxy server is used.

After the on-boarding process is complete, the administrator must enter values from the Portal for the following properties explained above:

  • portalapi.password
  • portalapi.username
  • ueb_app_key

Launch Server

After creating, populating and mounting Kubernetes config maps appropriately, launch the server with this command-line invocation to include the config directory on the Java classpath:

java -cp config:target/ric-dash-be-2.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
    -Dloader.main=org.oransc.ric.portal.dashboard.DashboardApplication \